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Since the publication of Does the inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content? by Albert Einstein, the search for Scientific M-Theory (a.k.a. “the Theory of Everything”) has served as the dominant quest for scientists and mathematicians throughout the last century. Finally this quest is at an end. Many experts and scientists have long held the notion that human consciousness is incapable of comprehending the Universe due to our mind’s dependence upon linear conceptions of time. Einstein’s concept of the 4th Dimension of Space-Time as “a unified entity of Space and Time” is true in degrees; however, vastly undershoots the TRUE meaning of what TIME really is: the Relative Patterns of Quantum Entanglement between ALL Dimensions of Existence.

Quantum Mathematics and the Language of Time will supply the necessary bridge for any reader to understand and truly comprehend the first 10 Dimensions of our Existence, how the Dimensions function and affect our lives, and how our mis-conception of Linear Time limits our potential and our planet’s potential from being realized, actualized, and harmonized with the all the Spheres of Reality. 


Figure 1.1 The Quantum Clock – Diagram of the Multi-Dimensional Dynamics of First 10 Dimensions of Existence (from my personal notes)

The Answer to M-Theory:


Or represented Diagrammatically as this:

Diagram of M-Theory.png

Figure 1.2 – Diagram of Flux Infinite Source (or Λ ) concentrated through the 9th Dimensional Black Sun (which exists at every Vortex) and how it is projected through the Toroidal Field, according to the Law of Octaves, in relation to the “Observer.”

Chapter Breakdown

Chapter One – Context

-Chapter One will supply the reader the necessary historical, scientific, and mathematical context to approach the entire Work, including an overview of our Conceptions of Time and how this has affected human consciousness, both positively and negatively, throughout the last few hundred years.

Chapter Two – An Introduction to Quantum Mathematics

-An introduction to the functionality of Quantum/Dimensional Mathematics in comparison to Linear Concepts. Quantum Mathematics are the true key in understanding the Multi-Dimensional Dynamics of our Existence.

Chapter Three – Quantum Loading

-A detailed explanation of how Quantum Loading works through the amalgamation of elaborations (11 – infinity) into Root integers (0-10), and how Decimals reference sub-dimensions.

Chapter Four – The Dimensions of Reality

-A Detailed Explanation of the existence and function of Dimensions throughout Space and Time, including a brief overview of the first 10 Dimensions.

Chapter Five – The Concept of Five-Sense Existence, Linear Time, and the Suspension of Disbelief.

-This chapter will provide a breakdown of the “Five-Sense Experience” and the dependency of Human Consciousness upon Linear Time and Narrative. Additionally, this Chapter will provide in-depth exposition on the common psychological phenomena (utilized in the Cinema) called “the Suspension of Disbelief,” and begin to dismantle the Concept of Cause and Effect.

Chapter Six – The Spheres in Relation to Time

– A detailed explanation of how time functions as a bridge between Quantum Entanglements, how the third dimension is a cross-section of Time and the 5th Dimension, making Time actually a pattern of relations and associations between varying dimensional realities.

Chapter Seven – Djarklom and Triamazikamno

A detailed explanation of the Law of Threes and how this affects inter-dimensional relations ∴ Time.

Chapter Eight – Heptaparaparshinokh

A detailed explanation of the Law of Octaves and why Octaves recur throughout Multi-dimensional Reality.

Chapter Nine – Perceptions of Reality within the Quantum Now

– An explanation of how we actually interpret our reality from outside of Time, how memory functions according to Quantum Entanglement, the role of the Human Nervous System, and why the past and the future don’t actually exist.

Chapter Ten – The Tenth Dimension

– A detailed explanation of the flux constant (ie. Λ or infinite source vibration) from which all of existence is manifested.

Chapter Eleven – The Black Sun (or 9th Dimension)

-A detailed explanation of how the 9th Dimensional (∴ omnipresent) sub-atomic and infinitely dense Black Sun, which concentrates the Source Vibration (Λ) into singularity, also inverts the signal and flips it, as the “half-mirror” for holographic projection into Consciousness.

Chapter Twelve – The Toroidal Field (8th Dimension)

-A detailed explanation of how the 8th Dimension is created through the Black Sun’s inversion of the Λ vibration, becoming Source to polarity ∴ electromagnetism and atoms. Additionally, how the Toroidal field serves as the second “mirror” in holographic projection.

Chapter Thirteen – The Dreamstate (7th Dimension)

– A detailed explanation of how the Dreamstate (or 7th Dimension) is created as a cross-section of entanglement between the sub-atomic Black Sun and the Toroidal field.

Chapter Fourteen – CONSCIOUSNESS: The 6th Dimension and Its Creation of Individualized “I AM” Units

– A detailed explanation of how the 6th Dimension is created as a function of Triamazikamno, from the sub-atomic Black Sun, due to the polarity of the Toroidal Field. The Relations of Quantum Entanglements (aka TIME) created between this Dimension and its “perspective” of the 7th and 5th Dimensions results in individualized units of “awareness” which perceive their “existence.”

Chapter Fifteen – SPACE: The Womb of Possibility (5th Dimension)

– A detailed explanation of how the 5th Dimension or SPACE is created as a function of Heptaparaparshinokh within the Toroidal Field. Its interaction of Quantum Entanglements (TIME) with the Sixth Dimension creates what we now refer to as Space-Time, but, in actuality, creates nearly infinite (7^8 or 5,764,801) realities at each of its multitudinous cross-sections.

Chapter Sixteen – SPACE-TIME/The Multi-Verse (4th Dimension)

-A detailed explanation of how the beginnings of what we conceive as our physical universe corresponds to the conjunction of 3rd Dimensional entanglements/observations with the 5th Dimension through TIME. How modern physics and our sciences are limited by the linear perspective of TIME being subject to SPACE and position, and existence subject to the 4th Dimension. And how alternate realities and interstates exist and function.

Chapter Seventeen – Our 3rd Dimensional “Reality”

An extensive explanation of how, to this point, we have conceived Time in relation to the Orbits of our local spheres and engaged in a collective linear conception of Space and Time (or history) according to a collective quantum entanglement achieved through our current tool of measurement: the clock. How our reality actually does NOT function according to this conception, and what it will mean for us to fully integrate this newfound knowledge.

Chapter Eighteen – Atomic and Cellular Consciousness (2nd Dimension)

-A detailed explanation of how the 2nd Dimension responds to and interacts with the various dimensions. How the 2nd Dimension is most closely linked with the 7th Dimension, and how that affects our 3rd Dimensional “Reality.”

Chapter Nineteen – LIGHT (1st Dimension)

-A detailed explanation of how LIGHT is the foundational “substance” of Λ or Source Vibration. How our perceptions (and measurements) of the various frequencies of its spectrums are entirely dependent upon “the Sphere in which it is placed,” resolving the Uncertainty Principle and confirming Einstein’s Theory: “1. The Laws of Physics are the same for all observers in any inertial frame of reference relative to one another.” And “2: The speed of light in vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or of the motion of the light source.” And with each dimension being subject to its source, at last we have reached the bedrock of M-Theory, with precision and confidence in the Eternal splendor of limitless LIGHT.

Chapter Twenty – The Language of Time

-Space-time was conceived by Einstein as “a unified entity of space and time.” And with our new understanding of the 3rd Dimension as this very cross-section of Space (the 5th Dimension) with TIME (the Relative patterns of Quantum Entanglement between the Spheres) he was not incorrect in his conception of the resultant sphere in the 4th Dimension. But TIME functions much differently than it’s been conceived, and our current conception of Space-Time is only the manifestation of one possibility within the 5th Dimension. As TIME actually exists as the Relative patterns of Quantum Entanglement between ALL of the Dimensions, then the most simple way to understand TIME is as a language – bridging vibration, concentration, polarity, conception, consciousness, perception, possibility, SPACE, rotation, manifestation, emanation, and LIGHT together as a single sentence does with the idea of every WORD it contains. Through Quantum Mathematics, we can learn and understand this Language.

Chapter Twenty One – In the Beginning was the WORD

– An extensive explanation on the Consilience and Convergence of Spirituality and Science: the Mayan Calendar and Priesthood, Ancient Egyptian AL’Khem’y, the Kalachakra Tantra (meaning “The weaving of the Space-Time Continuum”) of the Tibetans, the Qabalah, the Gnostic Texts, the Bible, Advaita Vedanta, and the Tarot and Occult Sciences.

The Work will be approximately 1,000 pages including detailed color diagrams, mathematical proofs, and illustrations.

I plan to present the material of each chapter both diagrammatically and mathematically for the intellectual and scientific elite at the beginning of each chapter. But I will reference and explain the material simply and effectively, in such a way that any individual with a high school education can understand. My goal with this work is to reach as many people as possible. The information is much too important to cater only to the erudite or conceal within the caverns of Occult crypticism. Done right, this material can be taught to anyone straight from this book.

The authority and qualification for me writing this book comes entirely from my experience. My first career was as a filmmaker in Los Angeles, CA. The deciding factor for any decent film comes in the ability of the filmmaker to initiate the “suspension of disbelief” in their audience. I spent literally thousands of hours watching thousands of films, over and again, dissecting and analyzing what exactly it is that causes the audience to loosen their grip on “reality” (ie. The fact they are sitting in a dark room with a bunch of strangers with light flickering before their eyes synched with sound) and give themselves over to the story and the world of the film. Anyone who’s ever seen a great film can acknowledge the feeling of getting drawn in and getting lost in a good story on screen. I became utterly fascinated with this experience. But it didn’t really dawn on me what was going on until I read Andrei Tarkovsky’s book Sculpting in Time, from which I finally understood what was going on.

It all has to do with the camera. What a camera does is it literally captures the photons of light from a given moment in Space and Time, stores them within its crystals (at least when they still used celluloid… now they utilize the crystals to convert the light into binary code) which essentially stores an actual moment of the past, and later allows you to project that moment before an audience, where they can literally experience that moment (as many times as they want) in the future!

When this really hit me, it blew me away! From that point on, I became obsessed with Time… specifically with its affect on consciousness. I read everything I could get my hands on in regards to Time, and eventually read Transcending Time by Gen Lamrimpa, which is an introduction to the Kalachakra Tantra (meaning “the weaving of the Space-Time Continuum) – a secret teaching held within Tibetan Buddhism and taught personally by the Dalai Llama. Before long, I ended up traveling to India myself, where very curious synchronicities of Events unfolded, culminating in my own initiation into the Kalachakra Tantra.

I began studying the Kalachakra almost exclusively… nearly forgetting I was a filmmaker to begin with! The Kalachakra teaches in great detail the makeup and landscape of what I now know to be the 6th Dimension. And when I really understood what it was, I hypothesized that the esoteric goal of nearly every religion on the planet must be to essentially arrive in the State of Consciousness native to that dimension. In the years following, I traveled to over 70 countries, went to every Temple I could find, and talked to every teacher from every path that I could discover. At that point, around 2015 or so, I’d developed a theory I thought was revolutionary. Something completely new! I felt like I had derived the very Secrets of the Universe and now it was time to present it to the world.

And that’s when I stumbled upon Aleister Crowley and the Occult. Within the first couple pages of The Book of the Law, I found everything I had discovered, explained perfectly… and not only that, expanded upon. I’d never experienced a moment of being so excited and heart-broken at the same time. But regardless, I made the decision to follow the Occult rabbit hole as deep as it would go.

I read everything I could get my hands on. It was very difficult at first. Nearly every document is written in multiple layers of Cipher and in innumerable languages. But eventually I mastered the Fundamentals. I learned the Gemutria, I learned to read enough Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit to decipher the deeper meanings behind the texts. And the Qabalah really clicked for me, which was a major influence in figuring out Quantum Mathematics.

The most important key though came in what they refer to as Pathworkings upon the abstract concept of the Tree of Life. Throughout the history of the Occult, they’ve utilized these Pathworking Rituals to induce varying states of consciousness in a very unique way. It’s not like just taking LSD-25, which literally throws open all of the doors of consciousness, leaving the participant without any clear trace of what they experienced or how to integrate it. The Tree of Life supplies a roadmap. Through hundreds of years of experimentation, and quite detailed record taking by the Initiates, they’ve discovered common experiences, symbols, and signs that appear in the consciousness when tapped into specific states. The reason for this (which they are for the most part painfully unaware of) is that these states of consciousness coordinate directly to the dimensions and their influence and effect upon consciousness.

However, none of this really opened for me until I discovered G. I. Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff also wrote in cipher, however, he did so with a very intentional purpose – to propel the mind in constant evolution by prohibiting its use of repetitious pathways in the brain by means of his unique vocabulary. Once I cracked the three-layer cipher in Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, I found descriptions on the Cosmology of the 5th Dimension in striking detail (see Figure 1.3 below). This provided me the first firm foundation to reverse engineer the dimensions when married to my knowledge of the 6th Dimension from the Kalachakra Tantra. But it was still another five years before I entered the Great Pyramid of Giza on November 11, 2020 (exactly 11 years after I first entered the pyramid in 2009) where when I left, the equation for M-Theory hit me like a flash of lightning. And it’s taken me until just two days ago to work out the final kinks with the 7th Dimension’s dynamics to perfect the model.


Figure 1.3 – Notes from deciphering G.I. Gurdjieff

My point is, there’s no one more qualified than me to relay this information to the world. It is my life’s work. And despite the fact that much of my information and data was derived from Occult and Esoteric sources and direct experience over research in a laboratory or a University library, the Math checks out, the model is correct, and this is ONE of the MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES in our collective HISTORY.